Katie P. Bruner

communication, technology, history of media


Writing about media and technology from the perspective of rhetorical history.


Collaborating with students to cultivate discernment, curiosity, and a precision of language.


Academic and creative work geared toward public goods.


My name is Katie, and I am a teacher and researcher interested in the role of communication in American media and technology. I’m currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Communication Studies at Northeastern University. You can learn a little more about my background here.

Thanks for stopping by!

Cover image credit: Jasmine Wallpaper by William Morris (1872). Wikimedia; Credit Commons.

“The issues that divide or unite people in society are settled not only in the institutions and practices of politics proper, but also, and less obviously, in tangible arrangements of steel and concrete, wires and transistors, nuts and bolts.”

Langdon Winner, “Do Artifacts Have Politics?”